sorry I posted twice
Well I cant believe Micheal is 6 Years old. You know you hear people say I just seems like Yesterday or Time fly's. Really time has flown bye just six years ago we all prayed and watched him fight for his life. Boy was he a fighter! It is hard to believe that he was born three months preemie. Oh ya and he got a Mow hawk for his Birthday

Awh yes Papa well here he is a week after taking a licking from a big Cherry tree. For those of you I have not got to talk to he is going better, his ear has not opened back up yet. He was pretty beat up thou, he really had some nasty bruises
Awh yes Papa well here he is a week after taking a licking from a big Cherry tree. For those of you I have not got to talk to he is going better, his ear has not opened back up yet. He was pretty beat up thou, he really had some nasty bruises