Friday, August 28, 2009

Addition to our Family new puppy

Well Elizabeth decided that she wanted to spend her birthday money on buying herself a puppy.. So we but a lot of thought into it and we looked at free puppies, looked at the human society, and she just could not get over this little guy, We really did not want to get another dog in the house. But I just could not say no she formed a instant bond with him and every other puppy she looked at she just really wanted him and so she bought Prancer a black pug he is only four weeks old and she is keeping him over night tonight but not going to get to keep him till he is old enough. She named him Prancer cause he lifts his front feet like a Tennessee walking horse. He is really tiny and very loving... Titus is very jealous but he is really want to play with him. As you can see we had a hard time taking pics cause Titus would not leave him alone.. It was really hard to get pics of him he would not hold still.

Monday, August 17, 2009

State Fair and Elizabeth Birthday Party

OK I really had a hard time getting these pics to download so they are really out of order

But we had a small birthday party for Elizabeth. We had a good time it was very relaxing. We had to do it at Dad and Harry's because we still don't AC and it was just to hot. Oh we got her a new ring I forgot to take a picture of it. It is smokey quartz and blue topaz. She was kinda getting mad at me for making her show it to everyone. Geez so when you see her make her show you. She also got a new pair of boots.

I ask her what she wished for if she wished for Vern's Porche? She just laughed and said ya!!!

Yep thats Chase

Vern and Emma

Opening her present that Dad and Harry gave her.

thanks Uncle Vern and Aunt Christa for letting the kids play on the go carts all day well during the party.

Truck pull at the State fair

Oh ok back on track Elizabeth and Gavin

Chase needed his sunglasses so as you will see on the next pic she trading him so he could see.

Yep there you go he can see now how cute.

I could not get good pics at the state fair so they are a little blurry, over all they did both get a couple of second places

Ya there is a pig in there told you I didn't get any good pics

oh this one is pretty good


This is me....

This is me....

About Me

My photo
Well everyone knows that I am a mother of two wonderful children an Auntie to three nephews and four neices. And then I have Jason's neices and there are three of them. I have been with Jason for four years. The Property Manager for Avon Lakes. We have two dogs we love but they do get on our nerves Chloe and Titus. Favorite songs at this moment are WELL lets just say I am all over the board, I love to read Nora Roberts, Christina Feehan books. Love romanitc movies hate scary movies.