Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Well I hope everyone stayed staff today. Or at least enjoyed the snow. Now I am hoping that we really do not get 6 more inches tonight. Yuck So this is my neighbors yard. Elizabeth took the picture. I refused to even set foot outside today. Next Wednesday is my surgery, Ericka is taking me all will be well. I will just leave my phone on and Ericka will answer it and let you know what is going on. I would say that I will call you, but I am not sure how drugged up I will be.

Harry and Brooky

sorry I posted twice

Well I cant believe Micheal is 6 Years old. You know you hear people say I just seems like Yesterday or Time fly's. Really time has flown bye just six years ago we all prayed and watched him fight for his life. Boy was he a fighter! It is hard to believe that he was born three months preemie. Oh ya and he got a Mow hawk for his Birthday

Awh yes Papa well here he is a week after taking a licking from a big Cherry tree. For those of you I have not got to talk to he is going better, his ear has not opened back up yet. He was pretty beat up thou, he really had some nasty bruises

Vern and Emma she is crawling now

Little Miss Brooky at Micheals Birthday Party Well she looks like she is having a lot of fun but she will never admit it..

This is my Uncle Vern,

We are visiting while my Grams is up from Tennessee. Thanks goodness that Elizabeth remembered her camera we got some fun pics.

My Grams that lives in Tennessee she would be upset if she new I was posting her pic...

Aunt Trish and Uncle Vern's new dog Molly she is not very old but I cant remember how many months she is. English Bull Dog...

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This is me....

This is me....

About Me

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Well everyone knows that I am a mother of two wonderful children an Auntie to three nephews and four neices. And then I have Jason's neices and there are three of them. I have been with Jason for four years. The Property Manager for Avon Lakes. We have two dogs we love but they do get on our nerves Chloe and Titus. Favorite songs at this moment are WELL lets just say I am all over the board, I love to read Nora Roberts, Christina Feehan books. Love romanitc movies hate scary movies.