Monday, February 2, 2009

This years 4-H Animals

I wanted to share with everyone the new babies for 4-H. It is such a neat experience to watch them show.

This little guy is a Birkshire Byron will show him but they will paint his white spots, he has a lot of white spots.

Here is the Champion Birkshire gilt that Bryon won with last summer.

Here is Lilly Elizabeth loves this pig she is a Landrace

these are her babies

Ok here is a funny story. This is a litter of Tamworth's that came out of Byrons Champion Birkshire gilt. Larry the kids papaw artificially pregnates the gilts and the company sent the wrong sperm and instead of getting full blooded Birks they have cross breed Tamworth's they are not very happy because the Birkshire litter did not turn out that nice as you see up at the top and have to be painted, but I think it is a funny story. I bet they they turn out to show really good but Elizabeth said that Tamworth's are evil and bad tempered.


Duroc's are my favorite to watch show.

Look at this big guy reminds me of Titus

Byrons heifer calf Black Angus

Jimmy and Boo, Elizabeth got a Second place with Jimmy last year

She likes the camera

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This is me....

This is me....

About Me

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Well everyone knows that I am a mother of two wonderful children an Auntie to three nephews and four neices. And then I have Jason's neices and there are three of them. I have been with Jason for four years. The Property Manager for Avon Lakes. We have two dogs we love but they do get on our nerves Chloe and Titus. Favorite songs at this moment are WELL lets just say I am all over the board, I love to read Nora Roberts, Christina Feehan books. Love romanitc movies hate scary movies.